
Electronic scientific journal

«Armament and Economics»

electronic edition intended for publication of scientific articles and different research content primarily on the subject-matter of military economics, military-technical policy, weapon development program-goal-oriented planning, military and special equipment, government’s defense order, scientific manpower training and other topical issues of military and economic security support

Content ¹ 2 (10) / 2010 Issue in pdf
Military-technical policy
Model of technical maintenance of armies
Buravlyov Alexandr Ivanovich, Pyankov Anton Alexandrovich
The methodical approach to an estimation of military safety of the Russian Federation
Tsyrendorzhiev Sambu Rabdanovich, Brezgin Vladimir Sergeevich
Technique of a substantiation of a required condition of system of arms of a grouping of armies (forces) and Armed forces of the Russian Federation
Nezhinskiy Nikolay Nikolayevich
The methodical approach to a substantiation of rational structure and structure of multipurpose organizational – technical system of military purpose
Korobeynikov Andrey Semenovich, Yarygin Yuriy Nikolayevich, Skopin Dmitriy Viktorovich
Applying imitation elements for combat operations differential models
Gorevich Boris Nikolayevich
The methodical approach to programmno-target planning of development of means trajectory measurements of proving grounds for long-term program documents
Burenok Vasiliy Michailovich, Naydyonov Vladimir Gerasimovich, Shñhukin Aleksandr Nikolayevich
Directions of development of system of arms of radio-electronic struggle of interdepartmental purpose
Karpuhin Vyacheslav Ivanovich, Maevskiy Yuriy Ivanovich, Goduyko Vladimir Alekseevich
Main principles, is standard-legal maintenance and economic benefit of recycling of radio-electronic technics of a special purpose
Orlov Vladislav Alexandrovich, Strokova Toma Mitrofanovna, Bozhkov Aleksey Yurevich
Methodology of military-social policy formation and realization
Privileges the military man-lonely to mothers: to expand or reduce?
Venediktova Maria Michailovna
Military construction economy
The state support of an military-industrial complex – key aspect of strategy of postcrisis development of Russia
Shvyrkov Andrey Valerevich, Makitrin Andrey Vladimirovich, Timofeev Michail Vladimirovich
About an estimation of investment risks in conditions of economic instability
Buravlyov Alexandr Ivanovich, Serdyukov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Integration of military and civil sectors of economy as the tendency of the military organization of the country building (on materials of the Russian Federation Armed forces Rear)
Plotnikov Vladimir Alexandrovich
The mechanism of structural integration of the enterprises of a îáîðîííî-industrial complex on the basis of outsourcing
Ismagilova Larisa Alekseevna, Gileva Tatyana Albertovna, Sitnikova Larisa Vladimirovna
Problem questions of development of institute of tax investigations
Opalskiy Alexandr Pavlovich
Development of the financial control in sphere of national defenc
Chistov Igor Vadimovich, Zakutnev Sergey Yevgenevich
The analysis of process of credit expansion in modern economy
Polivalov Alexander Alexandrovich
Postcrisis strategy: urgent transition of domestic economy to an innovative way of development
Terehov Igor Ivanovich
Training of scientists
About the concept of preparation and certification of the scientific and pedagogical staff in modern conditions
Vikulov Sergey Filippovich
Application of modern innovative technologies of training in military educational institutions in the conditions of education system reforming
Moshkin Alexandr Stanislavovich, Gudkov Boris Nikolaevich

© «Armament and Economics», 2010. Design A.A. Venediktov.