
Electronic scientific journal

«Armament and Economics»

electronic edition intended for publication of scientific articles and different research content primarily on the subject-matter of military economics, military-technical policy, weapon development program-goal-oriented planning, military and special equipment, government’s defense order, scientific manpower training and other topical issues of military and economic security support

Content ¹ 3 (24) / 2013 Issue in pdf
Military-technical policy
Technique of formation of the aggregated indicator of efficiency of realization of the government program of arms
Buravlyov A.I., Gladyshevskiy V.L., Pyankov A.A.
Methods of study index effective fighting individual equipment military man
Bukhtiyarov V.V.
An estimate of the optimal balance between the power of the warhead and the diffusion characteristics of high-precision weapons
Buravlev A.I.
Choice of a rational variant of development of scientifically-methodical maintenance of a substantiation of the project of a government program of arms for 2016-2025
Makitrin A.V.
Methods of study index effective fighting individual equipment military man
Buravlev A.I., Zakharov A.V.
Method of quantitative assessment of the legal protection of results of intellectual activity implemented in weapons and military equipment
Stukalo Yu.E., Truschenkov V.V., Nesterov D.V.
Military Economy and Finance
Economic-mathematical models of the estimation of effect of using of units of techniques of radio-electronic war
Anosov R.S., Byvshich D.M., Zhukov A.M.
Methods of assessing the competence of experts in the process of formation of the proposals in the draft policy documents
Lyaskovskiy V.L., Smirnov S.S., Pronin A.Yu.
Additional restrictions on the values of the complex counteraction to the formation of many of the alternatives
Somkov N.I.
Technique economic-mathematical model systems of repair of arms and the military technics in modern conditions
Pyankov A.A.
Features of the formation and accumulation of the military budget of the Russian Federation for the 2013-2015
Savinskiy P.F.
Managing the profitable operation for the production of weapons, military and special equipment in order to improve the efficiency of the use of budget funds allocated for the implementation of the state defense order
Silvestrov A.V.

© «Armament and Economics», 2013. Design A.A. Venediktov.