
Electronic scientific journal

«Armament and Economics»

electronic edition intended for publication of scientific articles and different research content primarily on the subject-matter of military economics, military-technical policy, weapon development program-goal-oriented planning, military and special equipment, government’s defense order, scientific manpower training and other topical issues of military and economic security support

Content ¹ 3 (7) / 2009 Issue in pdf
Military-technical policy
Bases of the methodological approach to an estimation of fighting potentials of samples of arms and the military technics and military formations
Buravlyov Alexandr Ivanovich, Tsyrendorzhiev Sambu Rabdanovich, Brezgin Vladimir Sergeevich
Problems of military-technical cooperation
Economy of military building: a new paradigm (on an example of military-technical cooperation with the foreign states)
Kushnir Andrey Michailovich
Theory and practice of the military-industrial complex improving
Program-methodical system of the state monitoring of the strategic enterprises and corporations
Buravlyov Alexandr Ivanovich, Stepanovskaya Iraida Alexandrovna
Methodology of military-social policy formation and realization
Military-social policy the states at a stage of modernisation of Armed forces of the Russian Federation
Gorgola Yevgeniy Viktorovich
About criterion of efficiency military-social policy
Venediktov Andrey Albertovich
Military construction economy
Some basic problems of military economy and the finance in researches of last years
Vikulov Sergey Filippovich
Formation of a military-economic paradigm
Pozharov Alexander Ivanovich
The theory of military economy: necessity of a new paradigm
Pozharov Alexandr Ivanovich, Grebenik Viktor Vasilevich
Modern condition and prospects of economy of naval building
Brodunov Andrey Nikolayevich
The automated systems of support of decision-making in the field of the military-economic analysis and examinations
Trofimets Valeriy Yaroslavovich
Synergetic principles of a military-economic substantiation of nonconventional arms
Leonov Alexandr Vasilievich
Legal basis for military construction
Theoretical bases and problems of legal regulation of military building in the Russian Federation
Gatsko Michail Fedorovich
Personnel training
Experience of application of modern information technologies in scientifically-educational activity of branch of chair «special mechanical engineering» the Nizhny Tagil institute of technology
Rudenko Valeriy Lukich, Luparev Vladimir Vasilievich

© «Armament and Economics», 2009. Design A.A. Venediktov.