
Electronic scientific journal

“Armament and Economics”

electronic edition intended for publication of scientific articles and different research content primarily on the subject-matter of military economics, military-technical policy, weapon development program-goal-oriented planning, military and special equipment, government defense order, scientific manpower training and other topical issues of military and economic security support

Publisher Information

Publisher is the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences” (Academy). 107564, Moscow, 1st Myasnikovskaya st., 3, p. 3. One of the priority issues of the Academy is the development and perfection of publishing activity.

Periodicals of the Academy:

Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences is a journal established by Academy and JSC Scientific and Production Association of Special Materials. The journal aims to contribute to the development of theoretical foundations for the creation and effective use of domestic weapons, to improve the coordination of the work of leading scientists and developers of weapons systems for the rational use, preservation and strengthening of scientific and technical potential in the field of weapons and military equipment; and also to promote achievements in the field of missile, artillery, small arms, anti-aircraft and other types of weapons, electronic means and control systems for weapons and troops. Published since 1948.

Protection and Security is a military analytical journal established by Academy and JSC Scientific and Production Association of Special Materials. The main topics of the magazine are: ensuring the military security of the state, anti-criminal and anti-terrorist activities, legal aspects of the activities of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies, weapons and military equipment, combat equipment, ammunition and means of disguise, light small arms and artillery weapons, as well as analysis of the experience of combating illegal armed formations. Considerable attention is paid to the history of the Armed Forces, law enforcement agencies and other law enforcement agencies, the history of the development of weapons and military equipment and outstanding commanders of Russia. Published since 1997.

Armament and Economics is an electronic scientific journal designed to publish scientific articles and various research content mainly on the topics of military economics, military-technical policy, program-targeted planning for the development of weapons, military and special equipment, government defense order, economic and military-economic security, military finance, military-social policy, legal fundamentals of the economy of military construction, training of scientific personnel. Published since 2008.

© “Armament and Economics”, 2008-2024.