
Electronic scientific journal

«Armament and Economics»

electronic edition intended for publication of scientific articles and different research content primarily on the subject-matter of military economics, military-technical policy, weapon development program-goal-oriented planning, military and special equipment, government’s defense order, scientific manpower training and other topical issues of military and economic security support

Content ¹ 3 (11) / 2010 Issue in pdf
Military-technical policy
Algorithms of optimum control of dynamics of an antagonism of groupings of armies
Buravliov A.I.
Analysis of native and foreign approaches of building up deterrence concepts and mechanisms
Pechatnov Yu.A.
Problems of a substantiation of structure interspecific researches on development scientifically-methodical bases of support of decision-making at management of development of system of arms
Makitrin A.V.
Use of system of cataloguing of subjects of supply of Armed forces of the Russian Federation for information support of export activity of a defence-industrial complex: works, problem questions, offers on their realization
Moiseev V.V., Gubanov A.V., Andreev S.N.
Modern condition and mechanisms of perfection of scientifically-methodical maintenance of support of decision-making on management of development of system of arms
Gladyshevskiy V.L., Makitrin A.V.
Expediency and opportunity of updating of the State program of arms during its realization
Burenok V.M.
Theory and practice of the military-industrial complex improving
Departmental monitoring of productivity of the state military charges in conditions of the budgeting focused on result
Zakutnev S.Y.
Situation analysis of a precritical situation of 2008 as information basis for development of an defence-industrial policy of Russia at the present stage
Pimenov V.V., Pustiakova N.G.
Methodology of military-social policy formation and realization
Organizational and legal maintenance of competitive replacement of vacant posts of military service
Zhuravliova G.Y.
Military construction economy
Initiatives of the President of the Russian Federation on reform of calculation of time: a substantiation of offers and their consequences for Armed forces
Venediktov A.A.
Methodical maintenance of formation of cost and time indicators of plans for development of arms and military technology: a condition and perfection ways
Podolskiy A.G., Kosenko A.A., Toporova Yu.M.
Methodological aspects of formation of contract system of purchases of defensive production
Kandybko N.V.
Use of seasonal fluctuations in definition of the initial price of the contract and an estimation of efficiency of the state purchases
Kozin M.N., Khachatrian G.A.
Problems of increase of efficiency of use of the resources directed on development of arms and the military technics
Firov N.V.
System of the differential equations for the moments of stochastic process of an antagonism
Buravliov A.I.
Training of scientists
About development and support of scientific schools
Krylov A.A.

© «Armament and Economics», 2010. Design A.A. Venediktov.