
Electronic scientific journal

«Armament and Economics»

electronic edition intended for publication of scientific articles and different research content primarily on the subject-matter of military economics, military-technical policy, weapon development program-goal-oriented planning, military and special equipment, government’s defense order, scientific manpower training and other topical issues of military and economic security support

Content ¹ 4 (12) / 2010 Issue in pdf
Pricing Problems of military products
Modern problems of planning of development of system of arms of the Russian Federation and direction of their decision
Burenok V.M.
Formation of the prices for arms and military technology: Problems and ways of their decision
Lavrinov G. A., Podolskij A.G., Bahanovich D.N.
Some problems of perfection contracting, pricing and the organization of purchases of military goods
Viculov S.F., Kandybko N.V., Lapin G.N., Kambarov A.O.
Principles of formation of the initial price of the contract on defence production
Podolskij A.G.
Pricing problems at formation of the state defensive order
Kravchenko P.D.
Actual problems of system of pricing on defensive production
Kandybko N.V.
The scientifically-methodical device of a substantiation of the initial price of the developmental contract of arms and military technology of antiaircraft defence on the basis of the account of possible financial losses of the customer
Marichev P.A.
About necessity of perfection of the methodical device of pricing on military goods regarding definition of unprofitable expenses
Koltakov O.V.
To a question of the coordination of a cover amount of an overhead charge in the price of arms, the military and special technics
Baharev G.A.
Problems of formation of expenses for the scientific and technical production created within the limits of performance of the state defensive order, and way of their decision
Mayorova T.A.
The methodical approach to definition of parity of the purchasing capacity used for recalculation of cost of creation of foreign military goods in domestic currency
Viculov S.F., Podolskij A.G., Kosenko A.A.
To a question on comparison of the prices for the military goods, generated in various social and economic formations
Lavrinov G.A., Podolskij A.G.
The scientifically-methodical device of the military-economic substantiations of actions for conversion of the radio-frequency spectrum of radio-electronic military-oriented means
Kiselyov O. I., Jagolnikov A.S.
Military construction
Technical and technological bases of development of arms and military technology
Burenok V.M.
The analysis of methodical problems of information support of a control system of arms and military technology development on over specific level
Paramonov N.B., Chumichkin A.A.
About an estimation of efficiency of investment activity of managing subjects of a military-industrial complex during the postcrisis period
Vikhrov V.A.
Drug trafficking as the factor of growth of economic criminality in Armed forces. A role of the officer case in reproduction of criminal relations in Armed forces
Peschansky G.V., Pleshakov A.A.
Military personnel dependents social security in Russia and in the USA: the comparative analysis
Venediktova M.M.
The organization of interaction of official bodies, the research organizations and industrial structures at the planning of development of weapons and military equipment: the experience of USA and suggestion for use it in Russia
Balyshev A.V., Konnov V.I.

© «Armament and Economics», 2010. Design A.A. Venediktov.